Merge & Decor

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About Merge & Decor

Merge & Decor is a unique merge puzzle game that combines elements of home renovation and decoration. In this game, players are tasked with turning an old, dusty mansion into a beautiful masterpiece. You can unlock new tools and discover surprising treasures hidden in the mansion's rooms.

How to play Merge & Decor:

Start by exploring the mansion and looking for items scattered throughout the rooms. Merge identical items to create new and more valuable items.

Once you've gathered all the items and tools, it's time to get creative and decorate your dream home. Arrange furniture, add decorative elements, and design each room to your liking.

Carry out a total house renovation: Turn an old villa into a modern masterpiece through a total house renovation. Demolish walls, install new flooring, and upgrade appliances to breathe new life into the space.

Discover surprising treasures: Throughout your renovation journey, keep an eye out for treasures and secrets hidden within the villa's walls.

Why should you play Merge & Decor?

  • Creative Freedom: Merge & Decor offers unparalleled creative freedom, allowing you to design and decorate your dream villa exactly how you envision it.
  • Engaging Gameplay: Addictive merge puzzle mechanics with engaging home improvement gameplay, keeping you engaged and entertained for hours.
  • Relaxing Experience: Immerse yourself in the world of home renovation and decoration as you create your own tranquil oasis, away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

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